Win 1 of 5 Beta.ey 80LIM.
We love to play with the sun. She's more hot than ever! As the United Nations are forcing Governments and Industry to tackle Climate Change, just send your Email with the subject --Monopoly Games-- to them. As it is a hot game, every week we going to change the Organisation and the Subject. Stay tuned and enjoy the hot summer GAMES ;D
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Rawlemon LTD is a high technology company developing and marketing next generation mass concentrated photovoltaics (CPV) and concentrated thermal (CSP) modules for the conversion of
solar energy - providing solutions to enhance building efficiencies and consumptions.
Performance-driven Building Technologies
The European Union has been a long-time leader in considering the drivers and impacts of climate change, including full participation in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. It has also put forward significant post-Kyoto greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, reaching 40% by 2030. As a direct result from this commitment, the European Union requires its Member States to ensure that from 2019 onwards, new buildings occupied and owned by public authorities are nearly zero-energy buildings, and that from 2021, all new building construction is “nearly-zero energy.”
With the European Commission Buildings Directive to design nearly zero-energy buildings --first time in history-- architects are limited in their professional work and design progress from 2019 up. Today, industry and technologies could not deliver goods and services to reach the level of the targeted building energy performances.
Snapshot market:
One-fifth of total EU budget to be spent on climate action. Budget value 2014-2020 approx. € 180 billion.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change budget up to 2020 is approx. US$400 billion.
Global construction growth 2015 - 3.9%. Value US$8.5 trillion.
Building Integrated Concentrated Solar Power (BICSP) Technology
By incorporating a patent-protected (pending) optical sun tracking solution for the conversion of solar power in buildings, we introduce the world’s first Building Integrated Concentrated Solar Power (BICSP) Technology.
The system takes a dramatically different approach to providing buildings with electrical power, thermal energy, reduced solar gain, and enhanced transparency for daylighting. This next generation high efficiency system integrates architecturally into the building envelope, harvesting solar energy, while still providing outside views and diffuse daylight for the building users.
Rawlemon LTD has been based at headquarters in London, UK since August 2013 and has his laboratories in Barcelona, Spain. Rawlemon has subsequently established a portfolio of patents, all pending, and one registered trademark. The member team consists of four dedicated individuals with a collective vision.
Dear Backers, Friends and Contributors,
When NATALIE JEREMIJENKO was visiting me in my studio in Barcelona after her presentation of her ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CLINIC project at MACBA Barcelona, I felt deeply relaxed. We were both laughing about the fact that she is working in the FLOWER INDUSTRY and me in the SUNSHINE INDUSTRY. However, we got friends sharing somehow the same motivation to EMPOWER THE WORLD healthier and environmentally friendly. Yes, I miss her... ;D
A lot of time has passed for my promise to contribute the Beta.ey for roughly 800 backers, here at INDIEGOGO. I have encountered a lot of comments, many related to the worst that could happen to an idealist --THIS IS SCAM--. Really, my love is stronger than that virtual reality working against giants. What occurred with this invention is simply amazing. I'm doing steps and I´m glad to present you the latest and foreword most radical solution for the BETA.EY matter:
"Beta.ey 100 motorized sun tracker vs. Beta.ey 80 LIM sunshine recorder."
Cutting the cost by 50% with the same system power output!!!
How it's possible?
A simple 12 months button eliminates the motorization and the electricity consumption of the motors and controllers. Based on the invention of CAMPBELL-STOKES sunshine recorder, the BETA.EY 80 LIM just need one monthly adjustment to track the sun from the ARCTIC POLAR CIRCLE up to the ANTARCTIC POLAR CIRCEL at 66.33 degrees latitude. This radical design eliminates the cool gadget effect of 100% automotion,
"Tested prototypes of the Beta.ey 100 with motorized dual-axis tracker and Beta.ey 80LIM with mechanical dual-axis tracking."
but it give you a nicer and closer view to the centre of the universe --our SUN. Further the multijunction cell is smaller as the whole body was shrinking. We reduce not only the cell size by 320 times in comparison to a silicon cell with the same power output, also we reduce the weight and volume to ship the Beta.ey. Less cost and pollution to send it all over the globe to empower your device by solar energy.
Lens Design: Glass ball lens
Numerical Aperture: 80mm Diameter
Electrical Data: 0,8 W with Multijunction PV
Capacity Per Day: approx 4,8 Wh, maximal 9 Wh
Battery Capacity: 14 Wh
Connection: USB 2.0
Dual Axis Tracking: mechanical
Mood Light Beam: 1 dynamical color LED
Dimensions: 100 x 100 x 120 Millimeter
Weight: approx 870gr.
Next to the statement we have let in 2014, the market of smart phone users was doubling up. And again --if all smart phone users using the Beta.ey as a daily solar charging station-- we could close 2 nuclear power plants or equal several coal power plants! This we can do already with this gadget. Imagine we start to design the building envelope with this tech mate idea!
"Conventional silicon 1Wp cell vs. Multijunction 1Wp cell. Saving 320 times cell surface with the same power output."
It's time to shake the market up a bit! As we running a never ending funding story, please tell your friends and family that we are running for them! It's a simple and beauty idea to generate clean power. As Albert Einstein has said: "It's harder to crack a prejudice than an atom." I said: "Please, smack my tech up".
"The world's most unique solar tracking system"
"Smile with Beta.ey"
Risks and challenges
The R&D of the Beta.ey B and the Beta.ey 80LIM prototypes is thanks to manpower and 3D printing developed and almost ready for production. Also we have granted the delivery for the core technology of the Beta.ey's --the multijunction cell's--. But the cost of production for small quantities (up to 5-10K) are amazing high. Especially the Beta.ey B with the motorized system and the single cell has many electronic components from different providers that we like to bring together with one provider. More simple and less complex is the manufacturing scenario for the Beta.ey 80LIM and the assembly.
However, if we can raise additional 90K from today:
$231,500 - Beta.ey B and Beta.ey 80LIM tested.
$320,000 - We can produce the Beta.ey 80LIM and we can present it to public, to the city, to everyone. We will also piss ourselves a little because oh my we still alive.
$460,000 - We can produce the Beta.ey B.
The difficulties in producing this are well-known to me (I've build many prototypes) and we're prepared for them. I feel confident that with your help, this is a THING we can make happen!
All backers will have their name on our wall of fame as a huge thank you for your support!
Our aim is to produce and to manufacture the Beta.ey B and the Beta.ey 80LIM and of course the ones already backed in 2014. If you want to contribute to help, there are some fun things and a giant poster beaming towards the moon.
"Moonpower" - 24" x 36" printed on premium semigloss (170gsm).
Check out the renewed perks!
Statement of Andre Broessel, inventor and founder of rawlemon and sbotic
Dear Backers and Friends!
When I started 5 years ago to file a patent in the field of energy, I felt confident to give something important to the community. A tool that is designed to tackle climate change related issues. Today many of us are looking to Paris --waiting for the COP21 conference results-- to see if our decision makers really do important changes in the most powerful sector.
Many of you have contributed here on Indiegogo to help me and to support the project RAWLEMON!
Honestly, it was an honor to archive this super successful campaign with your help!
Today I need to announce, that I wasn't able yet to produce the Beta.ey! I feel responsible to explain all backers and friends, why we didn't reach our promised goals. The result is a full documentary --that I have written in the past year-- to give you the insights, what it means to work within the power sector!!! Furthermore its a compromising documentary against corruption and lobbyism:
Everybody who was supporting the project will get a free DRM copy of the book. I know thats not the gadget you're expecting, but its my way to keep this project alive! Furthermore it creates the bridge, to give the patent in other hands! More powerful hands...
What you can expect you can find here:
For the ones, that have made comments like --This is a scam-- they may can check the content of the website:
It guides you to the mission of the project that I have!
Thank you.
Andre Broessel
Update #18
Dear Backers and Friends,
We know that many of you are waiting for the shipment of the Beta.ey and Beta.ray and want to say again that we are very sorry for the delay.
We have worked the last 1,5 years almost day and night, to fulfill your contributions and support, but we can't be magic because we need now support from specialists in low harvesting electronics.
We have tried in the last weeks to find a friend in our social networks, the Magic professional, but without satisfying results at that time.
We are still searching for him/her so if you know in your circles of friends somebody that can match with the profile please tell him/her to contact us at:
But we are also following in parallel a new exciting path.
We are very proud to announce that we have reached another important milestone and goal with our main aim to create a better future for our kids.
Next to the R&D of our patent pending technology we have created a new division -- Sun Robotics (www.sbotic.com) -- that will take care about the marketing of our products; specialized in building integration.
To sum up:
-We have reached with our video more than 1 million people
-We have more than 10K friends and followers
-We have a strong patent in the sector of renewables in our hands
-We have reached more than 1 million entries in press, blogs and social network shares
-We have demonstrated that our technology can change the way how we consume clean and low-cost energy
-We made a complete miniaturized robot that can charge your smartphone.
We have arrived up to here with individuals' efforts and low budget. We are engaged in a good fight and we'll go further:
-until we'll know that our technology is useless
-until we'll know that several thousands of scientist and 7.5 million people that actually work in that field are on a wrong path.
And again: We are very sorry for the estimations we have done with the initial campaign, but we are confident, that we will achieve what we have promised to develop and to ship.
We still need your support and want to thank you again for your patience.
We still watch out for partners, foundations or individuals that push us to the next step.
Think with us! Energy matters!
Thomas, Beta.ey and Beta.ray taking a sun bath in the terrace
New Bluetooth calibration tool!
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Beta.ey serves as a table-top charger for mobile phone (Product S) or tablet (Product XL) with LED-based lighting functions.
publications renewable press:
Rawlemon: CPV for building integration | PV Insider
Kugellinse für Technikoskar nominiert
Solar Ball Lens Improves Energy Efficiency 35%
publications design and technology:
Our believers friends! Designboom
helpfull links for solar radiation conversion:
Company UK:
Spread the word and tell the world! Share our campaign on Facebook, Twitter Google+...
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Beta.ey S
Lens Design: Acrylic-Polymer ball lens,
Numerical Aperture: 100mm Diameter
Electrical Data: 1,6 W with Multijunction
Capacity Per Day: 9 Wh max.
Battery Capacity: 27,5 Whr
Connections: USB 2.0
Dual Axis Tracking: Low inertia DC microdrive
Control Unit: Tracking sun/moon
Light Energy: 1 Colour LED
Dimensions: 105 x 105 x 165 Millimeter
Beta.ey S special edition
Lens Design: Acrylic-Polymer ball lens,
Numerical Aperture: 100mm Diameter
Electrical Data: 1,6 W with Multijunction
Capacity Per Day: 9 Wh max.
Battery Capacity: 27,5 Whr
Connections: USB 2.0
Dual Axis Tracking: Low inertia DC microdrive
Control Unit: Tracking sun/moon
Light Energy: 1 Colour LED
Dimensions: 105 x 105 x 165 Millimeter
Beta.ey XL
Lens Design: Acrylic-Polymer ball lens, solid
Numerical Aperture: 200mm Diameter
Electrical Data: 5 W with Silicon
Capacity Per Day: 30 Wh max.
Battery Capacity: 55 Whr
Connections: 2 x USB 2.0
Dual Axis Tracking: Low inertia DC microdrive
Control Unit: Tracking sun/moon
Light Energy: 1 Colour LED
Dimensions: 200 x 200 x 340 Millimeter
Beta.ray 1.0
Lens Design: Acrylic-Polymer ball lens, water filled
Numerical Aperture: 1.0m Diameter
Electrical Data: 180 W (220W/m2) with basic Silicon
Thermal Data: 275 W (350W/m2)
Combined Efficiency: 57% (Hybrid)
Capacity Per Day: 1.1 kWh max.
Battery Capacity: 1.8 kWh
AC/DC Management: 120 V / 220 V - Client Specific Options
Connections: Collector Header/Return Lines, 220V/16A DIN-Socket
Dual Axis Tracking: Low inertia DC microdrive
Control Unit: Tracking sun/moon, positioning LED beam
Light Energy: 200 lm - up to 500m Spot with LED's
Weight: 700 kg (Water - 524 l.)
Dimensions: 2.15 x 1.30 x 1.80 Meter
Wind Resistance: Up to 120 m/s
Beta.ray 1.8
Lens Design: Acrylic-Polymer ball lens, water filled
Numerical Aperture: 1.8m Diameter
Electrical Data: 560 W (220W/m2)
Thermal Data: 890 W (350W/m2)
Combined Efficiency: 57% (Hybrid)
Capacity Per Day: 3.4 kWh max.
Battery Capacity: 5.4 kWh
AC/DC Management: 120 V / 220 V - Client Specific Options
Connections: Collector Header/Return Lines, 220V/16A DIN-Socket
Dual Axis Tracking: Low inertia DC microdrive
Control Unit: Tracking sun/moon, positioning LED beam
Light Energy: 300 lm - up to 800m Spot with LED's
Weight: 3.350 kg (Water - 3.055 l.)
Dimensions: 3.90 x 2.40 x 3.15 Meter
Wind Resistance: Up to 120 m/s
The basic system of one ball lens can, optionally, be customized to host a multiple array of up to3 ball lenses in one support frame.
ß.ray is designed for easy deployment and dismantling. Set-up time takes from 4 hrs. onwards.
For a totally off-grid position, the water capacity for full fill needs to be delivered in a tank.
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